vasuki sunder

Current MFA Design and Technology student at Parsons School of Design, previously B.S. in Cognitive Science & Human Computer Interaction from UCSD

My work explores how we can use design to enhance our human experience.


SORT BYeverything
ux design
mfa projects
graphic design

Memory Box

Exploring collective nostalgia through a continuously evolving shared repository of memories
Created during my first semester at Parsons, Memory Box is a digital repository of memories and special moments that anyone can contribute to. In contributing a memory, you use technology to connect with other humans and experience a collective sense of wonder, curiosity, and nostalgia. 

Experience Memory Box here 

AREAWeb Design
HTML, CSS, Javascript
Physical Computing

My design focus

Our identities, our sense of self, our culture, memories, and relationships are all continuously evolving through our use of digital media. 

Research suggests that our cognitive processes are increasingly intertwined with technology, shaping how we remember and how we perceive ourselves.
Dreams, memories, nostalgia, joy, chaos, eternity — these themes are intrinsically tied to the human experience; in essence, they are what makes us human. I want to explore the juxtaposition of these very human values with the tech we hold dear — computers that are theoretically cold, inorganic, and indifferent.

Version oneDigital Time Capsule

An app concept that allows users to build a “capsule” of memories
that they can reflect on intentionally

The way we perceive time and memory online is distorted. Notifications are built to be pervasive and triggering, constantly engaging us in memory recall without any true meaning or reflection.

In real life we surface memories in a natural way, subconsciously giving more importance to poignant memories while forgetting others; resurfacing memories that are relevant or visceral in some way.

Version twoPhysical Memory Box

An Arduino-powered LCD screen that continuously displays everyone’s memories

People can digitally submit their memories, and see It automatically populate on a continuously evolving LED screen, alongside everyone else’s submissions. This transforms the experience into something communal and connected.

LCD screens as a medium are an interesting bridge between art and modern technology — they are inherently ephemeral; the dynamic and fleeting nature of scrolling LEDs mirrors the impermanence of memory and information in the digital age.

Final VersionDigital Memory Box

Communal memories preserved digitally

In the final stage, I transformed the experience to be purely digital, so It could be accessed and used by anyone, anywhere — ultimately becoming a truly universal experience.

Experience it for yourself — submit your own memories and read the memory collective here!